Don’t Ever Give Up During a Job Search

Both of these emotions can stop a job search in its tracks.
A good interviewer/hiring manager can quickly detect self-doubt or a lack of
self-confidence in a candidate through tone of voice, body language, lack of
eye contact, lack of passion in the delivery of answers/exchange of dialog and
weak resume or LinkedIn profile.
That said, the real question for candidates then becomes,
“OK, then how can I overcome these negative feelings?”
Start by embracing what we've all heard so many times over
the years that we control our own destiny. Try thinking of that concept in this manner,
“E+R=O”. What this short equation
really means is that the outcome (O) of an event (E) is determined in large
part by a person’s reaction (R) to that event. For example, two marketing
professionals (Ron and Sue) are laid off from their respective employers with
each having tenure of 20+ years (same event). Ron sees the forced separation as
something personal and almost immediately feels the reason for such was because he is “old”. Ron can’t seem to shake the bitterness.
Sue, although not thrilled with losing her
job, sees this as an opportunity to find her “dream job”. Both Ron and Sue
eventually find new jobs, but Ron’s search takes significantly longer than does
Sue’s. Sue is perceived to be a potential game-changer, Ron is not, which is due
mainly to the fact that Ron goes into interviews with a defeatist attitude
(“you’re probably not going to take me because I’m old”), while Sue’s passion
and excitement related to her finding the “greener grass” comes through clearly
in her resume, LinkedIn Profile and interview dialog.
Same Event, different Reactions, significantly different Outcomes.
I have had many, many hiring managers relate to me how
candidates with basically the same skill set and experience can be perceived so
differently during the search process with much of that coming as a result of
their overall approach (passionate and motivated vs. “woe is me”).
Here are some tips to help you create a more positive outcome:
Embrace the change – Once you’ve lost your job, you can’t undo
it. You can spend time complaining about it or invest that same time towards
finding the greener grass. That’s a nice way of saying, “Get over it”…quickly.
Experience has shown me that the “glass half full” people find re-employment
much faster than those who see the glass as half empty.
Don’t underestimate your value to a potential employer.
Recently I had the opportunity to meet and speak with a gentleman who had just
retired after 20 years in the Air Force. He retired at the rank of Lt. Colonel.
He told me, “I’ve not had to write a resume during the last 20 years and not
sure what to do to look like an attractive candidate to a hiring manager
(outside of the Air Force). This person had several assignments during his time
in the service with much of that in the HR field, yet he was convinced that
civilian employers would not see a twenty-year veteran as a desirable candidate
(for an HR position). When I asked him to tell me what he felt were the top three
skills that an HR professional would need to have to be
considered seriously as a candidate, he replied, “Leadership, attention to
detail and communication”. When I said to the former Lt. Colonel, “So, you did
not lead people during any of your time in the Air Force?” and “You never paid
attention to details and you were a poor communicator?” he laughed and said, “I
guess that I never thought about it in those terms.”
I advised him that many hiring managers in my network have
a high degree of respect for veterans and almost always associate them with the
following skills/traits: leadership, disciplined, good listening, team
building/motivation, self-starter, very professional, strong loyalty and good
communication (giving clear directions). My message was simple: Military
service is a plus for many employers, not a minus. Thus, it should be used in
that manner when seeking employment as a civilian.
It’s not about a former employer or title, it’s what candidates
accomplished that really matters. Ultimately, everything candidates
write and what is written about them, what they say and what is said about them
must provide the hiring manager with the perception that they might be a
potential game-changer. Titles are most often meaningless, while quantified
accomplishments that include a context of comparison (e.g., "highest degree of revenue improvement by a relationship manager in the 50-year history of the company") can seal the deal. We live in a “what have you done for me
lately” society and thus, employers are seeking candidates who they perceive as
being able to quickly contribute towards taking their team/group to the next level.
Project your self-confidence. Remember that if I perceive that
you don’t believe in yourself, then how do you expect my boss, my best prospects/clients or me to believe in you?
Passion plus posture (body language) and dynamic presentation projects self-confidence.
So, instead of allowing the “tail to wag the dog”, I suggest
quickly getting past the negative emotions that seem to come along with the
separation package. Sell the value of YOU and allow your passion and
self-confidence to convince me that you are my ideal candidate, my
In an impassioned speech at the ESPN ESPY awards in 1993,
basketball coach Jim Valvano (nicknamed, “Jimmy V”), who was at the time dying
of cancer, spoke to the audience about his family, his love of coaching and
working with athletes and his approach to dealing with the many challenges throughout his life, including his fight with cancer. He basically
summed up his remarks with what later became a mantra for millions who heard
his speech then and as it has been replayed many times since:
Photo - Microsoft clipart
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to thank you for such a good article. I have recently been made redundant and this is a timely reminder that not only does life go on but still offers opportunity if we care to look for it