Are You Acting Your Age in Your Job Search?

In a couple of weeks, I’ll be turning 60 years old. People around me are having a lot of fun with that, at my expense of course. My standard reply when someone asks, “How do you feel about turning sixty” is, “Sixty is the new thirty”. That usually results in at least a few smiles, but that is really how I feel and how I act. Ask anyone who knows me…they’ll agree, because that is who I am – that is a part of my personal brand. It is not words that define me/my brand, it is my actions that do so. The other evening, at our monthly Ohio CareerConnect networking event for people in a job transition, I reviewed resumes for five individuals, all of whom had varying degrees of gray hair. I always put on my hiring manager’s “hat” when I’m assisting people with their resumes or overall job search strategies, thus my feedback is provided from that perspective. In regard to those five people, I saw their value – how they could potentially make me “look like a genius” for hiring them and h...