Preparation is the Key When Trying to Land a New Job

A couple of weeks ago I witnessed an “interview implosion”, which was painful to watch. Yet, this squandered opportunity could have turned out very differently, had the candidate just put in some prep time prior to that discussion. Because I happened to arrive fairly early for a breakfast meeting, I wound up being one of only five people in this particular restaurant thus, overhearing the discussion (which turned out to be a job interview) from one table over was inevitable. As it turned out, I had a front row seat for an interview regarding a Research/Analyst position at a local venture capital group. The interviewer was in his mid-to-late 40’s, while the candidate was no more than early 30-something. Both were dressed in shirt and tie, with the interviewer being very professional in his appearance and the candidate…well, that is where the problems began. The candidate’s dark tie was sticking out from underneath the collar of his white shirt and was...