Social Networking – Avoiding the Pitfalls and Leveraging the Tools
So you have a Twitter account, Facebook page and a LinkedIn profile. That’s a good start. Now…are you actually using them as tools to help you to get re-employed? Or is your online presence creating the wrong personal brand/image and taking you out of contention for being seriously considered as a candidate? Twitter and Facebook are still perceived by employers to be “personal” while they look at a LinkedIn profile as being a good barometer of a person’s professional experience, interests and expertise. I’m hoping at this point pretty much everyone realizes that prospective employers will almost always do a good job of scanning the Internet as part of their overall due diligence regarding candidates in whom they have some interest. This means “Googling” your name to find “what’s out there” about you along with taking a good, long look at what people are posting on your “wall”, what you are “tweeting” and learning about past work experiences on LinkedIn (have you noticed over ...